Prof. Khoo Kay Kim said...

"The university today does not teach people how to think. The students come to university to make money. I always said to my students if you want to be rich don't come to university. The rich Chinese are mostly uneducated. To be rich you are not obliged to be highly educated. You can just pick one spot in KL and start selling Nasi Lemak and trust me your earning will be higher than university's Professor. People come to university in order to be a complete human being, not about making money. When I correct SPM history papers most of the time I will be correcting my own answer schemes. Our education system does not produce human but robots."- Prof Khoo Kay Kim

Ahad, Ogos 02, 2009

Di palang ini- La khauf

Di kamar gelap Aku melukis
Di kamar gelap Gambar isteri
Di kamar gelap Gambar misteri
Di kamar gelap Menyendiri
Di samar gelap Ayah dan ibu
Di samar gelap Anak di rindu
Di samar gelap Kesudahanku
Di samar gelap Tersendiri


Tolonglah bilang Apa salahku
Apakah bukti kesalahanku
Tolong jelaskan Apakah dosaku
Apakah erti menghukumku
Hakim yang tiada Bukti yang di reka
Apakah ini keadilan, oh Ilahi

Kau tunjukkkanlah cahaya
Berikanlah sejalur harap padaku
Yang pasrah di haribaanMU
Di palang ini Aku tersaksi Tangisan anak & doa isteri
Di palang ini Aku di rampas Sebuah maruah dan harga diri
Di malam ini Aku menolak di malam ini aku mengharap
Setiap ehsan dari kuasa Yang Maha Besar Maha Menyaksi