Prof. Khoo Kay Kim said...

"The university today does not teach people how to think. The students come to university to make money. I always said to my students if you want to be rich don't come to university. The rich Chinese are mostly uneducated. To be rich you are not obliged to be highly educated. You can just pick one spot in KL and start selling Nasi Lemak and trust me your earning will be higher than university's Professor. People come to university in order to be a complete human being, not about making money. When I correct SPM history papers most of the time I will be correcting my own answer schemes. Our education system does not produce human but robots."- Prof Khoo Kay Kim

Ahad, Jun 28, 2009

Cikgu haprak? cabuk? tak tahu apa-apa?

sempat bersembang dengan Cikgu Azmi Abdul Hamid Presiden Teras Pengupayaan Melayu (TERAS) . Beliau kata cikgu sekarang takde ape, rosak . Betul ke? Saya cuma gelak sahaja. Lebih kepada mengiyakan. Persoalan .Betul ke ?

1 ulasan:

imtiazsofea berkata...

nak ckp salah

taknak ckp lagi salah

lebih kuranglah. Tapi tak semua. Makin risau dgn gejala akhlak yg semakin meningkat.

Apa nak dikata?

Tuding diri kita dahulu baru di halakan tangan kpd org lain.

Mgkn gerakan dakwh yg tak mantap lagi pnca smua ni brlaku..

depend la, just pndgn


moral : mari sma2x mggerakkan dkwh di IPGM msg2x